The Federal Election is coming up fast, and here at Digital Rights Watch we wanted to delve into where each of the major political parties stand on key issues relating to digital rights.
For us, there are four key areas that we looked at:
- the right to privacy and whether the party supports or rejects mass surveillance programs targeting civilians, including mandatory data retention
- rolling out of a high quality National Broadband Network to all Australians
- support for fair use within Australia’s copyright system
- whether the party supports of opposes Government mandated filtering and/or blocking of internet websites
Digital Rights Watch Election 2016 Scorecard:
How did we develop this scorecard? We analysed each party’s stance on these issues through a combination of official party policies, prior voting patterns, public statements and consultations.
As with any simplified graphic, we can’t capture every element of the various party’s policies, and we’d encourage you to find out more on their own websites: Liberal, Labor, Greens, LDP, Pirate, Nick Xenophon, Sex Party, AMEP. We welcome any corrections from parties and candidates.