As Australians consider how to cast their votes in the 2019 Federal Election, we wanted to ensure that some key digital rights policies are highlighted and addressed.
That’s why we’ve compiled a handy scorecard of the major political party’s stance on these policy areas:
- Protecting privacy, including policies on metadata retention, facial recognition and internet filters
- The right to use encrypted communications, most notably around the support for the Assistance and Access Act 2018
- Copyright reform, including support for safe harbour and fair use
- Ethics in government use of citizen’s data, including Centrelink robo-debt, oversight of surveillance agencies and My Health Record rollout.

You can also download a PDF version of the scorecard here.
The fine print:
- We sent out a survey to all major political parties, looked at their public policy platforms and analysed prior voting history.
- The full detail of our analysis and ranking is available here.
- We encourage voters to read further details on specific policies as available on political party websites.
- We surveyed a selection of registered political parties, not independents, that are fielding candidates in the 2019 Federal Election.
- Digital Rights Watch does not endorse or support any particular political party.