The important work of Digital Rights Watch would not be possible without the support and partnership of many individuals. We’d especially like to thank these people for their assistance, collaboration and partnership in many different ways.
Gillian Triggs
Former President of the Australian Human Rights Commission and Vice Chancellors Fellow at the University of Melbourne
Scott Ludlam
Former Australian Greens Senator for Western Australia, Guardian Australia columnist
Julian Burnside
Barrister & human rights advocate
Jennifer Robinson
Barrister, Doughty Street Chambers.
Mary Kostakidis
Broadcaster and journalist
Brett Solomon
Executive Director, Access Now.
TJ McIntyre
Chair of Digital Rights Ireland
Michael Malone
Founder and former Managing Director of iiNet
Asher Wolf
Cryptoparty founder and journalist.
George Newhouse
Human rights lawyer and Principal Solicitor at the National Justice Project
Dianne Otto
Francine V McNiff Chair in Human Rights Law at Melbourne University, Director of the Institute for International Law and the Humanities
Ellie Rennie
Associate Professor at RMIT and Principal Research Fellow in the Digital Ethnography Research Centre
Ariadne Vromen
Professor of Political Sociology at the University of Sydney
Chris Berg
Senior Research Fellow at RMIT and Senior Fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs
Andrew Bartlett
Australian Greens Senator for Queensland
Paul Bernal
Lecturer, Information Technology, Intellectual Property and Media Law, UEA School of Law
Tama Leaver
Senior Lecturer of Internet Studies, Curtin University
Antony Lowenstein
Journalist, filmmaker, columnist and author
We also work closely with a range of close partners, allies and collaborating organisations:
Partner organisations
- Access Now
- ActionAid Australia
- Amnesty International Australia
- Article 19
- Australian Lawyers for Human Rights
- Australian Privacy Foundation
- Australian Progress
- Blueprint for Free Speech
- Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
- Deakin University Criminology
- Digital Data & Society Consortium
- Digital Rights Ireland
- EDRi
- Electronic Frontiers Australia
- Electronic Frontiers Foundation
- Fight for the Future
- Future Wise
- GetUp!
- Hack for Privacy
- Human Rights Law Centre
- The Juice Media
- Liberty Victoria
- Melbourne Writers Festival
- National Justice Project
- NSW Council for Civil Liberties
- Open Media
- Oxfam Australia
- Privacy International
- Queensland Council for Civil Liberties
- Queensland University of Technology
- Thoughtworks
- Save the Children Australia
- Wikileaks
If you would like to discuss becoming a supporter or partner to Digital Rights Watch, please do contact us.