Donations Policy


Digital Rights Watch accepts donations from a range of sources – trusts, foundations, companies, commercial organisations, unions and individuals – where there will be a benefit to our human rights work, without compromising our mission, independence and credibility.


The Digital Rights Watch board has ultimate decision-making authority, and therefore responsibility, in relation to all grants, donations, and partnerships. Decisions will be made in accordance with our Constitution and Code of Conduct.

Independence and influence

Digital Rights Watch will not accept any conditions associated with funding that seek to influence our policy positions or the content of our public statements.

Project-based funding

Where a donor or grantee is providing funds to Digital Rights Watch for the management or production of a specific project, the terms of this arrangement will be in writing and agreed upon by both parties before any funds are exchanged.

Third-party services and endorsements

Digital Rights Watch may enter into commercial agreements with third party organisations for the purposes of raising funds or operating services, but in order to maintain independence we do not endorse any third party commercial products or services.

Banned industries

Digital Rights Watch will not accept any financial support from individuals or organisations who represent the following industries:

  • Weapons, arms, and security
  • Gambling
  • Drugs and pharmaceuticals, including tobacco
  • Political parties or elected members of Parliament


Digital Rights Watch maintains a public list of the following donation/grant sources:

  • Individual donations over $1000
  • Non-profit organisational donations over $13,000
  • All​ for-profit organisational donations
  • All​ non-profit grants, including purpose and scope of grant

This rule is in addition to reporting responsibilities under the ACNC, ATO and relevant Australian legislation.

Tax deductability

Currently, Digital Rights Watch does not have deductible gift recipient (DGR) tax status, so we cannot offer tax deductibility to donors and supporters. This is due to the current Australian tax laws, which do not allow for advocacy-focused charities to apply for DGR status without express Ministerial intervention. This status may change in the future, and we will update our supporters if this occurs.