Our take on the Facebook Cambridge Analytica data breach affair
It isn’t just greedy corporations using and abusing your private data
The Cambridge Analytica revelations have spawned outrage across the world, as well they should. The mass manipulation of millions of individual Facebook users, psychometric profiling to reveal potential pressure points, micro-targeted advertising and black-ops electoral interference are certainly something worthy of the headlines.
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Analytica?
The extraordinary revelations from the Observer/Channel 4 investigation into the practices of the digital marketing firm Cambridge Analytica have, like many a great internet controversy, produced great outrage but few …
Australian Digital Rights Organisations Call For Politicians To Clarify Their Dealings With Cambridge Analytica
In light of the revelations that Cambridge Analytica has reportedly misused the data of over 50 million people on Facebook, Australia’s leading digital and civil rights advocates call on all Australian governments and political parties to categorically answer several questions.