Digital rights in aid and development

Digital Rights Watch will join a panel discussion at the annual conference of the Australian Council for International Development in Melbourne.

Digital Defenders guide to privacy

A graphic novel from European Digital Rights, designed to help young people between 10-14 years understand how to protect their privacy.

Concerns around proposed amendments to Privacy Act

Digital Rights Watch have raised deep concerns over proposed changes to the Privacy Act, citing the need for community and expert consultation before any legislation is introduced.

The Guardian Project

The Guardian Project creates easy to use secure apps, open-source software libraries, and customized mobile devices that can be used around the world by any person looking to protect their communications and personal data from unjust intrusion, interception and monitoring.

How to set up encrypted email – Windows

Setting up end-to-end encryption on your emails is a good start to protecting your privacy from snooping eyes. Access Now have put together a great guide for how to do this on your Windows computer.

How to set up encrypted email – Mac

Setting up end-to-end encryption on your emails is a good start to protecting your privacy from snooping eyes. Access Now have put together a great guide for how to do this on your Mac computer.

Restore faith in the Census

The conduct of this year’s census raises serious and pressing ethical, legal, security and technological concerns. Join the call for Prime Minister Turnbull to act.

Independent inquiry needed into #Censusfail

An independent inquiry is needed to restore faith in the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Government’s ability to handle online privacy, according to online advocacy organization Digital Rights Watch.

What to do with your Census

By now, you’ve probably noticed the huge amount of chatter surrounding the 2016 National Census, and the changes that put individual privacy at risk. But does this warrant a full boycott?

Security in-a-Box

Security in-a-Box was created by Front Line Defenders in partnership with the Tactical Technology Collective to further help human rights activists to implement tactics and tools for digital security.