Supporter Survey Results

The results are in: What matters most to our movement

In the spirit of openness, we wanted to share with you the responses to our supporter survey and how we are reflecting on them.

August 2020 Roundup

Hi friend! There’s never a dull moment in the fight for digital rights! Here’s your (inaugural) monthly Digital Rights Watch update, with an overview of recent digital rights issues to …

A farewell from the founding Chair

Four years ago, a group of academics, technology experts and activists came together in the meeting rooms of Thoughtworks Australia with a shared vision: to unite in their advocacy against …

Campaign: Ban Mass Surveillance Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology is being deployed across Australia. Local governments, corporations large and small, federal and state government departments and law enforcement agencies are rolling out these surveillance systems, all …

Onus on Government to Earn Public Trust On Tracing App

Phone location

JOINT MEDIA RELEASEDIGITAL RIGHTS WATCHHUMAN RIGHTS LAW CENTRECENTRE FOR RESPONSIBLE TECHNOLOGY An alliance of digital rights groups urged the Morrison Government to fill in obvious gaps in the development of …

Covid App Data Hosted Overseas is Vulnerable to US Law

Server Farm

Choosing Amazon Web Services to host the covid-19 contact tracing app data risks exposing private information about Australians to US law enforcement, Digital Rights Watch Chair Lizzie O’Shea. “Storing data …

Timeline: national security legislation

Australia is on a worrying journey towards an increase in government surveillance, violating basic human rights and invading our everyday privacy. But in order to understand how we got here, …

Submission to consultation on a new Online Safety Act

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications has been asked to run a public consultation over a new Online Safety Act to improve Australia’s online safety regulatory framework. …