How Do You Solve A Problem Like Analytica?

The extraordinary revelations from the Observer/Channel 4 investigation into the practices of the digital marketing firm Cambridge Analytica have, like many a great internet controversy, produced great outrage but few …

Internet Freedom Hack: Defending Truth

Digital Rights Watch is proud to support the Internet Freedom Hack, happening this year in Melbourne and Brisbane between 20-22 April.

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of the safe and positive use of digital technology, and to explore the role we can all play in creating a better and safer online community.

The Role of Encryption in Australia

Pic courtesy Access Now

Encryption is essential to the digital society, and encryption is only effective if it is robust. A new memo on the Role of Encryption in Australia from Access Now.

U.S. FCC repeal of Net Neutrality will have global consequences

Australian digital rights advocates today condemned the decision of the United States Federal Communications Commission to dismantle the agency’s 2015 Open Internet Order which required internet service providers to treat all internet traffic equally.

Digital Rights in Australia: Report

The University of Sydney have published a report into Digital Rights in Australia, which explores urgent questions about the nature of our rights now and into the future.