October 2020 Roundup

We’re back for another edition of our monthly Digital Rights Watch update! We’ve been keeping busy building out our campaigns and movement―did you notice even our website got a little …

The Five Eyes are still trying to undermine encryption

Another year, another Ministerial meeting of the Five Eyes —one of the most powerful known espionage alliances in history. Every year, Ministers from the five member countries (Australia, Canada, United …

September 2020 Roundup

The Data Availability and Transparency Bill When it comes to things too long to read, the 104 page exposure draft of the Data Availability and Transparency (DAT) Bill and accompanying documents …

August 2020 Roundup

Hi friend! There’s never a dull moment in the fight for digital rights! Here’s your (inaugural) monthly Digital Rights Watch update, with an overview of recent digital rights issues to …

Police drones and coronavirus surveillance

People should be able to use public spaces without being subjected to oppressive surveillance wherever they go. Yet, according to various media reports, police in Victoria are beginning to roll …

Submission: the proposed ASIO Amendment Bill 2020

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) is conducting a review of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Amendment Bill 2020. The Department of Home Affairs’ proposed Australian Security Intelligence …

Event: Facing up to facial recognition

Facial recognition technology has been deployed across Australia and around the world. It’s in the streets, at major sporting events and at the 7/11. Most alarmingly, it’s increasingly being used …

A farewell from the founding Chair

Four years ago, a group of academics, technology experts and activists came together in the meeting rooms of Thoughtworks Australia with a shared vision: to unite in their advocacy against …

Campaign: Ban Mass Surveillance Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology is being deployed across Australia. Local governments, corporations large and small, federal and state government departments and law enforcement agencies are rolling out these surveillance systems, all …

Navigating the COVIDSafe app rhetoric

Over the past few weeks we’ve seen the government pull out all the stops in an attempt to convince the Australian public to download the COVIDSafe App. There are plenty of …

Coronavirus and the police state

Some of the laws that have been enacted in recent weeks in response to the coronavirus are unprecedented. It’s now unlawful to do all sorts of everyday things, like venture …

Onus on Government to Earn Public Trust On Tracing App

Phone location

JOINT MEDIA RELEASEDIGITAL RIGHTS WATCHHUMAN RIGHTS LAW CENTRECENTRE FOR RESPONSIBLE TECHNOLOGY An alliance of digital rights groups urged the Morrison Government to fill in obvious gaps in the development of …