Centrelink duty of care has failed, regardless of Information Commissioner finding

Photo: CC Licensed Flickr user David Jackmanson

Privacy rights groups Digital Rights Watch, the Australian Privacy Foundation and Electronic Frontiers Australia have slammed a statement by the Office of the Information Commissioner and the Privacy Commissioner that their investigation found no wrongdoing in the release of personal information by a government department.

The State of Digital Rights

Today, we’re proud to release the State of Digital Rights report, which outlines the many ways Australians’ rights are being impacted by the activities of private companies and governments in the online world.

Statement to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement

Australian Privacy Foundation representatives Dr Adam Molnar and Dr Monique Mann recently gave evidence at the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Law Enforcement Inquiry on the impact of new and emerging information and communications technology. They emphasized the importance of not undermining or weakening encryption.

It isn’t just greedy corporations using and abusing your private data

The Cambridge Analytica revelations have spawned outrage across the world, as well they should. The mass manipulation of millions of individual Facebook users, psychometric profiling to reveal potential pressure points, micro-targeted advertising and black-ops electoral interference are certainly something worthy of the headlines.

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Analytica?

The extraordinary revelations from the Observer/Channel 4 investigation into the practices of the digital marketing firm Cambridge Analytica have, like many a great internet controversy, produced great outrage but few …

Internet Freedom Hack: Defending Truth

Digital Rights Watch is proud to support the Internet Freedom Hack, happening this year in Melbourne and Brisbane between 20-22 April.

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of the safe and positive use of digital technology, and to explore the role we can all play in creating a better and safer online community.

U.S. FCC repeal of Net Neutrality will have global consequences

Australian digital rights advocates today condemned the decision of the United States Federal Communications Commission to dismantle the agency’s 2015 Open Internet Order which required internet service providers to treat all internet traffic equally.