Police drones and coronavirus surveillance

People should be able to use public spaces without being subjected to oppressive surveillance wherever they go. Yet, according to various media reports, police in Victoria are beginning to roll …

Submission: the proposed ASIO Amendment Bill 2020

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) is conducting a review of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Amendment Bill 2020. The Department of Home Affairs’ proposed Australian Security Intelligence …

Event: Facing up to facial recognition

Facial recognition technology has been deployed across Australia and around the world. It’s in the streets, at major sporting events and at the 7/11. Most alarmingly, it’s increasingly being used …

Navigating the COVIDSafe app rhetoric

Over the past few weeks we’ve seen the government pull out all the stops in an attempt to convince the Australian public to download the COVIDSafe App. There are plenty of …