VPN comparison chart

This crowd-sourced comparison of VPN providers is the most honest and comprehensive one we’ve encountered. A++

The world needs a cyber privacy treaty

Digital Rights Watch has welcomed the release of a UN report calling for a global treaty to protect internet user’s right to privacy.

Surveillance Self-Defense Checklist

There are a few steps journalists, activists, and everyone else can take to maximize their security. These recommendations from the Intercept are grouped by difficulty level, starting with resources for beginners.

Privacy Tools

privacytools.io is a socially motivated website that provides information for protecting your data security and privacy.

Watchlist: Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act

Section 18C of Australia’s Racial Discrimination Act makes it unlawful for a person to commit an act that offends, insults, humiliates or intimidates another based-on race on the internet. Why is this so controversial? Allow us to explain.

#KeepItOn petition delivered at IGF

Today, our friends at Access Now successfully delivered the #KeepitOn petition today at the Internet Governance Forum in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Snitch Hunt: 10th December 2016

Snitch Hunt: get a taste of the power of metadata surveillance, and compete to see who can best abuse it.

Digital Rights Watch end of year update

2016 has been a busy year for digital rights policy in Australia. We’ll be hosting a quick update on the policy issues we have been following, including copyright reform and privacy issues. Join us live on Monday 12 December 2016 at 4pm AEDT on YouTube.

UN inquiry into freedom of expression in telcos and the internet

We’ve prepared a submission for the UN Special Rapporteur on the protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, who is currently conducting a study on freedom of expression in the telecommunications and Internet access sector.

Digital rights workshop at auIGF

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Digital Rights Watch joined a panel workshop at the Australian Internet Governance Forum in October 2016, looking at the development of digital rights in Australia and assessing the current state of play.

Digital rights in aid and development

Digital Rights Watch will join a panel discussion at the annual conference of the Australian Council for International Development in Melbourne.