Using PGP

PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy. It’s an encryption program that’s mainly used for email encryption, but it can be used for encrypting any sort of data.

Understanding VPNs

How VPNs can provide security, privacy and Netflix to your Internet connection

An open letter to Attorney General George Brandis

An open letter in relation to the treatment of peaceful activists protesting United States military operations facilitated by surveillance conducted at Australia’s Pine Gap facility.

Digital Security for Everyone

This guide is designed for beginners and non-technical people with the aim of increasing security across our whole community. The content is based on research, working with security experts and …

Attacks on encryption

A report on our recent event held at QUT on the state of encryption in Australia.

Comprehensive national face database incompatible with a free society

Australia’s leading privacy and civil liberties organisations condemn the decision by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to provide all images from state and territory driver’s licence databases to the federal National Facial Biometric Matching Capability.