Digital Rights Watch has expressed deep concerns over proposed plans that would require drivers license photographs to be included in a national facial recognition database.
Report: Australia’s Compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
This report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee examines Australia’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Cross-border access to data: Council of Europe submission
A global coalition of civil society organisations have submitted to the Council of Europe its comments on how protect human rights when developing new rules on cross-border access to electronic evidence.
Intelligence sharing a threat to democracy: privacy and human rights organisations launch international campaign
An international coalition of 30+ organisations led by Privacy International (PI) has written to national intelligence oversight bodies in over 40 countries, including Australia, seeking information on the intelligence sharing activities of their governments.
Metadata analysis of Gillian Triggs reveals personal information open to unwarranted government surveillance
An assessment of the metadata of former President of the Australian Human Rights Commission Gillian Triggs over the course of just one day provided enough information to reveal her home city, age details, and confidential details of upcoming speeches, board meetings and conversations.
Big brother attitude to public servant’s social media is gross overstep of power
Online advocacy group Digital Rights Watch has expressed serious concerns over social media guidelines for federal public servants released today.
Live Hack: Understanding Metadata
Digital Rights Watch presents a live hack event at the Melbourne Writers Festival: how secure is your personal information? With special guest speakers Scott Ludlam and Gillian Triggs.
Forcing social media organisations to decrypt will have far-reaching consequences on user’s right to privacy
Digital Rights Watch has expressed concerns at the Government’s announcement of new legislation designed to compel social media companies to hand over access to user’s encrypted content.
Internet-wide day of action for net neutrality
On July 12th, the Internet will come together to defend net neutrality. Join us.
Global coalition from five nations demands “Five Eyes” respect encryption
Today, 83 organizations and individuals from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States sent a letter to their respective governments insisting that government officials defend strong …
Defend privacy and encryption from the Five Eyes
Digital Rights Watch has called for Australian citizens to defend the right to privacy and resist any plans to undermine encryption that may result from the meeting of the Five Eyes governments today.
Encryption strengthens society: Digital Rights Watch
Digital Rights Watch has called on the Australian Government to clarify their position on law enforcement agencies accessing Australian citizens’ encrypted devices and communications.
Fair copyright
Right now the government is considering whether to introduce fair use. Let’s tell them – we need fair use now.
Meta data retention laws and the surveillance society
In which our own Tom Sulston speaks to 3CR about the threat of Australia’s meta data retention scheme.
Budget 2017 – a missed opportunity to act on digital rights
Digital Rights Watch responds to initiatives within the 2017-18 Federal Budget.
Digital privacy advocates declare 13 April national day of action against data retention
As Australia’s mandatory data retention scheme comes into effect, Digital Rights Watch is urging citizens to protect themselves from unwarranted mass surveillance, declaring Thursday 13 April as ‘National Get A VPN Day’.
Get a VPN
We’re declaring Thursday 13 April to be National Get A VPN Day. It’s time to protect yourself.
Australia’s International Cyber Engagement Strategy
Our submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s development of Australia’s inaugural International Cyber Engagement Strategy.
Digital Rights Watch releases inaugural annual report
After one full year of operations, Digital Rights Watch has released its inaugural annual report.